Geoza (that's gay-OH-za) is a complete roleplaying environment created using the ARIA system by the former Last Unicorn Games.  Filled with rich Narrative Environments and an intricate Reality system, Geoza features several unique system expansions, including an alternate system for handling psychic abilities without using the Reality creation rules or Omnessence.




Web Changes

This is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.
news.gif (1433 bytes)  9/22/02  Heritage Templates are being added; Daenji and Pelosi templates are now  updated, and Background Templates and Vocational Templates are being added as well.  Background Templates posted include Daenji Eskrime Training (Fencing) and Privileged Education, also for Daenj.  Vocational Templates include the Drushae-trained Psychic and the Riverlands Mercenary.
news.gif (1433 bytes) 9/21/02  Numerous updates have been made.  Material on Daenj and Pelos has been updated, although more remains to add.
news.gif (1433 bytes) 9/15/02 Various updates and improvements have been made to many of the regional society profiles and heritage templates (in some cases to bring them up to a new standard for the Geoza streamlined rules).
news.gif (1433 bytes) 8/31/02  Some minor editing improvements have been made to various areas of the site.  A project to review and improve internal linking between subject areas is now underway.
You can find older news bullets in the Geoza news archive.




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Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Paul Briscoe
Last modified: April 04, 2003